Digital Services

Digital Business

All Businesses are Becoming Digital Assets

We build websites that offer Digital Services where you are the go-between from your customer & the supplier. The Digital Business environment we live in is easier to profit from than you think.

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Service Benefits

Why choose our services

You Don’t Need IT Skills

You Don’t Need Web Development Skills

Business Skills Not Needed


You just need reasonable Communication Skills & a lot of Common Sense

As a business owner, forwarding emails & delivering orders is all it takes to operate your business. You don’t have the expertise to deliver specialized services but you have basic written communication skills. As a Go-Between, that is all you need!

  • Custom Site Design
  • Free Hosting
  • Profitable Niche
  • Keyword Research
  • WordPress CMS
  • Royalty Free Graphics
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Frequently Asked questions

Here is some more information on our service
  • What is Digital Asset Pass?
    Digital Asset Pass develops and delivers turnkey digital businesses where users act as intermediaries between customers and service suppliers, facilitating services such as web design, social media management, and lead generation.
  • Do I need any technical skills to use Digital Asset Pass?
    No technical skills are required. Digital Asset Pass provides custom site design, free hosting, and comprehensive support, making it easy to operate your business with just basic communication skills.
  • What services can I offer with a Digital Asset Pass business?
    You can offer various digital services including web design, social media management, personal branding, virtual assistance, lead generation, and Facebook ad management.
  • How do I get started with Digital Asset Pass?
    To get started, visit the website and reserve your digital business for $395. This includes a custom website, hosting, and access to a network of service suppliers.

Integration services